Take advantage with our Black Friday deal with 15% off your entire basket by using voucher code: BLACKFRIDAY at checkout. This promotion will run till 2nd December 2019, so make sure to get your orders in early to avoid any dissapointments.
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www.DNAGenetics.com | Your Official source for DNA Genetics Cannabis Seeds | Shop online today
Legal Disclaimer: This website should not be visited by anyone under the age of 18. Warning! Germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in most countries including the USA. These seeds are sold by DNAGenetics.com as collectable adult souvenirs to help preserve the cannabis genetics for future generations. Please do not ask questions on how to grow these seeds as under current legislation it is illegal to grow them or encourage their growth through giving advice. Any information on the packaging of the seeds, marketing material or websites, is given for the educational purpose or purpose of differentiation. It is not intended to condone, promote or incite the use of illegal or controlled substances. As a DNAGenetics.com customer, you are prohibited from distributing seeds we supply to countries where possession of and/or trafficking in cannabis seeds or other seeds is illegal. DNAGenetics.com is a dutch company and sells predominately to dutch customers. By selling cannabis seeds to persons unable to grow cannabis, We are helping to circulate and preserve the pool of cannabis genetics. The illegality of cannabis has caused a major reduction in its gene pool, leading to a higher risk of extinction of major cannabis seed strains. This cannot be allowed to happen and it is our responsibility and our human right to protect Nature & Genetics.
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